
English (U.S.) Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Czech Danish
German Greek Spanish Basque Farsi Finnish
French Galician Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese
Korean Dutch Polish Portuguese (Brazilian) Portuguese Russian
Serbian (Cyrillic) Serbian (Latin) Vietnamese Chinese (Simplified) Chinese
Name Display Help
am/manager Automatització Obre el gestor de l'automatització
am/meta Automatització Open automation manager. Ctrl: Rescan autoload folder. Ctrl+Shift: Rescan autoload folder and reload all automation scripts
am/reload Reload Automation scripts Reload all Automation scripts and rescan the autoload folder
am/reload/autoload Reload autoload Automation scripts Rescan the Automation autoload folder
app/about About Quant a l'Aegisub
app/display/audio_subs Vista de l'àudio i els subtítols Display audio and the subtitles grid only
app/display/full Vista completa Display audio, video and then subtitles grid
app/display/subs Vista només dels subtítols Display the subtitles grid only
app/display/video_subs Vista dels vídeo i els subtítols Display video and the subtitles grid only
app/exit Sut Surt de l'aplicació
app/language Language Seleccioneu l'idioma de la interfície de l'Aegisub
app/log Log window View the event log
app/new_window Finestra nova Obre una nova finestra d'aplicació
app/options Opcions Configura l'Aegisub
app/toggle/global_hotkeys Toggle global hotkey overrides Toggle global hotkey overrides (Medusa Mode)
app/toggle/toolbar Hide Toolbar Toggle the main toolbar
app/updates Check for Updates Comprova si hi ha una nova versió de l'Aegisub disponible
audio/close Close Audio Close the currently open audio file
audio/commit Aplica Commit any pending audio timing changes
audio/commit/default Commit and use default timing for next line Commit any pending audio timing changes and reset the next line's times to the default
audio/commit/next Commit and move to next line Commit any pending audio timing changes and move to the next line
audio/commit/stay Commit and stay on current line Commit any pending audio timing changes and stay on the current line
audio/go_to Vés a la selecció Scroll the audio display to center on the current audio selection
audio/karaoke Activa/desactiva el mode de karaoke Activa/desactiva el mode de karaoke
audio/open Open Audio File Open an audio file
audio/open/blank Open 2h30 Blank Audio Open a 150 minutes blank audio clip, for debugging
audio/open/noise Open 2h30 Noise Audio Open a 150 minutes noise-filled audio clip, for debugging
audio/open/video Open Audio from Video Open the audio from the current video file
audio/opt/autocommit Aplica tots els canvis automàticament Aplica tots els canvis automàticament
audio/opt/autonext Auto go to next line on commit Automatically go to next line on commit
audio/opt/autoscroll Auto scroll audio display to selected line Auto scroll audio display to selected line
audio/opt/spectrum Mode d'analitzador d'espectre Mode d'analitzador d'espectre
audio/opt/vertical_link Enllaça les barres de desplaçament de l'ampliació vertical i el volum Enllaça les barres de desplaçament de l'ampliació vertical i el volum
audio/play/current Play current audio selection Play the current audio selection, ignoring changes made while playing
audio/play/line Reprodueix la línia actual Play the audio for the current line
audio/play/selection Play audio selection Play audio until the end of the selection is reached
audio/play/selection/after Play 500 ms after selection Play 500 ms after selection
audio/play/selection/before Play 500 ms before selection Play 500 ms before selection
audio/play/selection/begin Play first 500 ms of selection Play first 500 ms of selection
audio/play/selection/end Play last 500 ms of selection Play last 500 ms of selection
audio/play/to_end Play from selection start to end of file Play from selection start to end of file
audio/play/toggle Play audio selection or stop Play selection, or stop playback if it's already playing
audio/save/clip Crea una peça d'àudio Save an audio clip of the selected line
audio/scroll/left Scroll left Scroll the audio display left
audio/scroll/right Scroll right Scroll the audio display right
audio/stop Stop playing Stop audio and video playback
audio/view/spectrum Spectrum Display Display audio as a frequency-power spectrograph
audio/view/waveform Waveform Display Display audio as a linear amplitude graph
automation/lua/cleantags-autoload/Clean Tags Clean Tags Clean subtitle lines by re-arranging ASS tags and override blocks within the lines
automation/lua/kara-templater/Apply karaoke template Apply karaoke template Applies karaoke effects from templates
automation/lua/karaoke-auto-leadin/Automatic karaoke lead-in Automatic karaoke lead-in Join up the ends of selected lines and add \k tags to shift karaoke
automation/lua/macro-1-edgeblur/Add edgeblur Add edgeblur Adds \be1 tags to all selected lines
automation/lua/macro-2-mkfullwitdh/Make fullwidth Make fullwidth Convert Latin letters to SJIS fullwidth letters
automation/lua/select-overlaps/Select overlaps Select overlaps Select lines which begin while another non-comment line is active
automation/lua/strip-tags/Strip tags Strip tags Remove all override tags from selected lines
edit/clear Neteja Clear the current line's text
edit/clear/text Clear Text Clear the current line's text, leaving override tags
edit/color/outline Outline Color Set the outline color (\3c) at the cursor position
edit/color/primary Primary Color Set the primary fill color (\c) at the cursor position
edit/color/secondary Secondary Color Set the secondary (karaoke) fill color (\2c) at the cursor position
edit/color/shadow Shadow Color Set the shadow color (\4c) at the cursor position
edit/find_replace Find and Replace Cerca i substitueix paraules als subtítols
edit/font Font Face Select a font face and size
edit/insert_original Insert Original Insert the original line text at the cursor
edit/line/copy Copia les línies Copy subtitles to the clipboard
edit/line/cut Retalla les línies Retalla els subtítols
edit/line/delete Suprimeix les línies Suprimeix les línies seleccionades
edit/line/duplicate Duplicate Lines Duplica les línies seleccionades
edit/line/join/as_karaoke As Karaoke Join selected lines in a single one, as karaoke
edit/line/join/concatenate Concatenate Join selected lines in a single one, concatenating text together
edit/line/join/keep_first Keep First Join selected lines in a single one, keeping text of first and discarding remaining
edit/line/paste Enganxa les línies Enganxa els subtítols
edit/line/paste/over Enganxa les línies sobre Enganxa els subtítols damunt dels altres
edit/line/recombine Recombina les línies Recombine subtitles which have been split and merged
edit/line/split/after Split lines after current frame Split the current line into a line which ends on the current frame and a line which starts on the next frame
edit/line/split/before Split lines before current frame Split the current line into a line which ends on the previous frame and a line which starts on the current frame
edit/line/split/by_karaoke Divideix les línies (per karaoke) Use karaoke timing to split line into multiple smaller lines
edit/line/split/estimate Divideix al cursor (estima els temps) Split the current line at the cursor, dividing the original line's duration between the new ones
edit/line/split/preserve Divideix al cursor (conserva els temps) Split the current line at the cursor, setting both lines to the original line's times
edit/line/split/video Split at cursor (at video frame) Split the current line at the cursor, dividing the line's duration at the current video frame
edit/redo Nothing to redo Redo last undone action
edit/revert Revert Revert the active line to its initial state (shown in the upper editor)
edit/style/bold Toggle Bold Toggle bold (\b) for the current selection or at the current cursor position
edit/style/italic Toggle Italics Toggle italics (\i) for the current selection or at the current cursor position
edit/style/strikeout Toggle Strikeout Toggle strikeout (\s) for the current selection or at the current cursor position
edit/style/underline Toggle Underline Toggle underline (\u) for the current selection or at the current cursor position
edit/undo Nothing to undo Undo last action
grid/line/next Next Line Move to the next subtitle line
grid/line/next/create Next Line Move to the next subtitle line, creating a new one if needed
grid/line/prev Previous Line Move to the previous line
grid/move/down Move line down Move the selected lines down one row
grid/move/up Move line up Move the selected lines up one row
grid/sort/actor Actor Name Sort all subtitles by their actor names
grid/sort/actor/selected Actor Name Sort selected subtitles by their actor names
grid/sort/effect Efecte Sort all subtitles by their effects
grid/sort/effect/selected Efecte Sort selected subtitles by their effects
grid/sort/end Temps de final Sort all subtitles by their end times
grid/sort/end/selected Temps de final Sort selected subtitles by their end times
grid/sort/layer Capa Sort all subtitles by their layer number
grid/sort/layer/selected Capa Sort selected subtitles by their layer number
grid/sort/start Temps d'inici Ordena tots els subtítols pel seu temps d'inici
grid/sort/start/selected Temps d'inici Sort selected subtitles by their start times
grid/sort/style Style Name Sort all subtitles by their style names
grid/sort/style/selected Style Name Sort selected subtitles by their style names
grid/swap Intercanvia les línies Swap the two selected lines
grid/tag/cycle_hiding Canvia el mode d'amagat de les etiquetes Canvia els modes d'amagat de les etiquetes
grid/tags/hide Hide Tags Hide override tags in the subtitle grid
grid/tags/show Show Tags Show full override tags in the subtitle grid
grid/tags/simplify Simplify Tags Replace override tags in the subtitle grid with a simplified placeholder
help/bugs Bug Tracker Visita el sistema de seguiment d'errors de l'Aegisub per avisar d'errades i demanar noves funcionalitats
help/contents Contents Temes d'ajuda
help/forums Forums Visita els fòrums de l'Aegisub
help/irc IRC Channel Visita el canal d'IRC oficial de l'Aegisub
help/video Visual Typesetting Obre la pàgina del manual per a la definició d'estils visual
help/website Website Visita la pàgina web oficial de l'Aegisub
keyframe/close Tanca els marcs clau Discard the currently loaded keyframes and use those from the video, if any
keyframe/open Open Keyframes Open a keyframe list file
keyframe/save Save Keyframes Save the current list of keyframes to a file
subtitle/attachment Adjuncions Open the attachment manager dialog
subtitle/find Cerca Search for text in the subtitles
subtitle/find/next Cerca el següent Find next match of last search
subtitle/insert/after After Current Insert a new line after the current one
subtitle/insert/after/videotime Després de l'actual, al temps del vídeo Insert a new line after the current one, starting at video time
subtitle/insert/before Before Current Insert a new line before the current one
subtitle/insert/before/videotime Abans de l'actual, al temps del vídeo Insert a new line before the current one, starting at video time
subtitle/new New Subtitles Nous subtítols
subtitle/open Open Subtitles Open a subtitles file
subtitle/open/autosave Open Autosaved Subtitles Open a previous version of a file which was autosaved by Aegisub
subtitle/open/charset Open Subtitles with Charset Open a subtitles file with a specific file encoding
subtitle/open/video Open Subtitles from Video Open the subtitles from the current video file
subtitle/properties Propietats Obre la finestra de propietats de l''script'
subtitle/save Save Subtitles Save the current subtitles
subtitle/save/as Anomena i desa els subtítols Save subtitles with another name
subtitle/select/all Select All Select all dialogue lines
subtitle/select/visible Select Visible Select all dialogue lines that are visible on the current video frame
subtitle/spellcheck Correcció ortogràfica Obre la correcció ortogràfica
time/continuous/end Change End Change end times of lines to the next line's start time
time/continuous/start Change Start Change start times of lines to the previous line's end time
time/frame/current Desplaça al marc actual Shift selection so that the active line starts at current frame
time/lead/both Add lead in and out Add both lead in and out to the selected lines
time/lead/in Add lead in Add the lead in time to the selected lines
time/lead/out Add lead out Add the lead out time to the selected lines
time/length/decrease Decrease length Decrease the length of the current timing unit
time/length/decrease/shift Decrease length and shift Decrease the length of the current timing unit and shift the following items
time/length/increase Increase length Increase the length of the current timing unit
time/length/increase/shift Increase length and shift Increase the length of the current timing unit and shift the following items
time/next Next Line Next line or syllable
time/prev Previous Line Previous line or syllable
time/shift Desplaça els temps Desplaça els subtítols per temps o per marcs
time/snap/end_video Enganxa el final al vídeo Posa el final dels subtítols al marc actual del vídeo
time/snap/scene Enganxa a l'escena Posa l'inici i el final dels subtítols als marcs clau al voltant del marc de vídeo actual
time/snap/start_video Enganxa l'inici al vídeo Posa l'inici dels subtítols seleccionats al marc actual del vídeo
time/start/decrease Shift start time backward Shift the start time of the current timing unit backward
time/start/increase Shift start time forward Shift the start time of the current timing unit forward
timecode/close Tanca el fitxer de codis de temps Close the currently open timecodes file
timecode/open Open Timecodes File Open a VFR timecodes v1 or v2 file
timecode/save Save Timecodes File Save a VFR timecodes v2 file
tool/export Exporta els subtítols Save a copy of subtitles in a different format or with processing applied to it
tool/font_collector Col·lector de tipus de lletra Obre el col·lector de tipus de lletra
tool/line/select Selecciona les línies Select lines based on defined criteria
tool/resampleres Reajusta la resolució Resample subtitles to maintain their current appearance at a different script resolution
tool/style/assistant Auxiliar d'estils Obre l'auxiliar d'estils
tool/style/manager Gestor d'estils Open the styles manager
tool/styling_assistant/commit Accepta els canvis Commit changes and move to the next line
tool/styling_assistant/preview Previsualitza els canvis Commit changes and stay on the current line
tool/time/kanji Creador de temps per a kanjis Open the Kanji timer copier
tool/time/postprocess Post-processador de temps Post-process the subtitle timing to add lead-ins and lead-outs, snap timing to scene changes, etc.
tool/translation_assistant Ajudant de traducció Obre l'auxiliar de traducció
tool/translation_assistant/commit Accepta els canvis Commit changes and move to the next line
tool/translation_assistant/insert_original Insert Original Insert the untranslated text
tool/translation_assistant/next Next Line Move to the next line without committing changes
tool/translation_assistant/prev Previous Line Move to the previous line without committing changes
tool/translation_assistant/preview Previsualitza els canvis Commit changes and stay on the current line
video/aspect/cinematic Cinematic (2.35) Force video to 2.35 aspect ratio
video/aspect/custom Personalitzada Force video to a custom aspect ratio
video/aspect/default Predefinit Use video's original aspect ratio
video/aspect/full Fullscreen (4:3) Force video to 4:3 aspect ratio
video/aspect/wide Widescreen (16:9) Force video to 16:9 aspect ratio
video/close Close Video Close the currently open video file
video/copy_coordinates Copia les coordinades al porta-retalls Copy the current coordinates of the mouse over the video to the clipboard
video/detach Desancora el vídeo Detach the video display from the main window, displaying it in a separate Window
video/details Mostra els detalls del vídeo Show video details
video/focus_seek Toggle video slider focus Toggle focus between the video slider and the previous thing to have focus
video/frame/copy Copia la imatge al porta-retalls Copy the currently displayed frame to the clipboard
video/frame/copy/raw Copia la imatge al porta-retalls (sense subtítols) Copy the currently displayed frame to the clipboard, without the subtitles
video/frame/next Next Frame Seek to the next frame
video/frame/next/boundary Next Boundary Seek to the next beginning or end of a subtitle
video/frame/next/keyframe Next Keyframe Seek to the next keyframe
video/frame/next/large Fast jump forward Fast jump forward
video/frame/prev Previous Frame Seek to the previous frame
video/frame/prev/boundary Previous Boundary Seek to the previous beginning or end of a subtitle
video/frame/prev/keyframe Previous Keyframe Seek to the previous keyframe
video/frame/prev/large Fast jump backwards Fast jump backwards
video/frame/save Desa una captura PNG Save the currently displayed frame to a PNG file in the video's directory
video/frame/save/raw Desa una captura PNG (sense subtítols) Save the currently displayed frame without the subtitles to a PNG file in the video's directory
video/jump Salta a Salta a un marc o un temps
video/jump/end Posa el vídeo al final Jump the video to the end frame of current subtitle
video/jump/start Posa el vídeo a l'inici Jump the video to the start frame of current subtitle
video/open Open Video Open a video file
video/open/dummy Utilitza un vídeo fictici Open a placeholder video clip with solid color
video/opt/autoscroll Activa/desactiva el moviment automàtic del vídeo Toggle automatically seeking video to the start time of selected lines
video/play Play Reprodueix el vídeo començant en aquesta posició
video/play/line Play line Reprodueix la línia actual
video/show_overscan Mostra la màscara de sobreescaneig Mostra una masca sobre el vídeo, indicant les àres que poden ser retallades per sobreescaneig als televisors
video/stop Stop video Atura la reproducció del vídeo
video/subtitles_provider/cycle Cycle active subtitles provider Cycle through the available subtitles providers
video/tool/clip Retalla Retalla els subtítols a un rectangle
video/tool/cross Estàndard Mode estàndard, el doble clic defineix la posició
video/tool/drag Arrossega Arrossegua els subtítols
video/tool/rotate/xy Rota en XY Gira els subtítols en els eixos X i Y
video/tool/rotate/z Rota en Z Gira els subtítols en l'eix Z
video/tool/scale Escala Escala els subtítols en els eixos X i Y
video/tool/vector_clip Retallat vectorial Retalla els subtítols a una àrea vectorial
video/zoom/100 100% Defineix l'ampliació al 100%
video/zoom/200 200% Defineix l'ampliació al 200%
video/zoom/50 50% Defineix l'ampliació al 50%
video/zoom/in Zoom In Amplia el vídeo
video/zoom/out Zoom Out Redueix el vídeo