注册 涵盖了以下内容:使你自己编写的Lua脚本Automation 4 Lua出现在Aegisub中、 提供和脚本有关的信息、该脚本提供了什么样的 特性。
Automation 4 中的一个最基础的概念就是 特性 。特性决定了Aegisub如何响应用户的动作去调用脚本。
一种特性的类型是 macro (宏),宏会被作为一个小项展示在自动化菜单中,它有一个名字(即菜单中显示的内容), 一段描述(当鼠标悬停在该项时,状态栏显示的说明文本),一个处理函数(当用户点按该项时执行的函数) 还有一个可选的有效性确认函数(决定这个宏在当前状态下是否可以运行,如:卡拉OK模板执行器就具有这个属性,如果检测不到template行,该项为灰色不可用)
另外一种特性是 export filter(导出滤镜)。导出滤镜会被展示在Export 对话框中,在进行导出操作时被应用 导出滤镜也有名字、描述、处理函数,同时提供了配置面板函数。使用配置面板函数可以返回一个配置面板对话框, 在执行导出滤镜的时候会被展示给用户,在配置面板中输入的参数和配置可以传递给处理函数作为参数。
一个脚本中,可以设置一些全局变量,来给Aegisub提供一些元数据。 这些全局变量会被展示在Automation Manager 对话框中和脚本信息对话框中。
注册函数是指一些Automation 4 提供的现成 Lua 函数,可以方便你把一项特性变为Aegisub可用的形式 你经常会在顶部或者底部调用它。
摘要: aegisub.register_macro(name, description, processing_function, validation_function, is_active_function)
name (名称,字符串) - 自动化 菜单中显示出来的名字。尽量简洁。
如果名字中有向前斜杠(/),名字会被斜杠分开,斜杠后的内容在自动化菜单中表现为子项。 例如,如果你注册了宏 "Foo/Bar" 和 "Foo/Baz",自动化菜单中, "Foo" 下会有 "Bar" 和 "Baz" 两个子项。
description (描述,字符串) - 当鼠标悬停在该项时,状态栏显示的说明文本。 建议这部分写的简明直接,描述清楚该脚本是做什么的。
processing_function (处理函数,函数) - 当用户点击了这项时,调用的处理函数 macro processing function API.。
validation_function (有效性检测函数,函数, 可选) - 这个函数被用来检测当前项是否可用。 (灰色还是正常)。如果不设置该函数,宏则一直处于可用状态。 这个函数遵循 macro validation function API 中的说明。
is_active_function (活动检测函数,函数, 可选) - 这个函数会在当前可用项的左侧显示一个对勾。 规则同有效检测函数
摘要: aegisub.register_filter(name, description, priority, processing_function, configuration_panel_provider)
priority (优先级,数字) - 决定导出滤镜的应用顺序。高优先级的滤镜会被优先应用。 用户可以在 导出 对话框中修改顺序。 Aegisub内置导出滤镜的优先级顺序:
These are the callback functions you provide to the registration functions.
Signature: process_macro(subtitles, selected_lines, active_line)
Macro processing functions passed to
must have this signature. The name process_macro
is a placeholder for your
own function name.
class lines can ever be selected.Return value:
The macro processing function can return up to two values: a new
table containing indices of the lines to select after the
macro returns, and an index of the line to make the new active_line
. If
set, the new active line index must be one of the lines in the new
Signature: validate_macro(subtitles, selected_lines, active_line)
Macro validation functions passed to
must have this signature. The name validate_macro
is a placeholder for
your own function name.
Important, execution time: Validation functions should always run very
fast. Do as little work as possible inside this function, because it is run
every time the user pulls open the Automation menu, and every millisecond
you spend in validate_macro
is one millisecond delay in opening the menu.
Consider that the user might have very large files open. Don't block the UI.
class lines can ever be selected.Return value:
Boolean, true
if the macro can run given the current
state of subtitles, selected_lines and active_line, false
if it can
In addition to the primary return value, the validation function can return a string. If it does, the description of the macro is set to the string. This is intended for reporting information to the user about why the macro cannot be run, but there may be more uses for it.
Signature: process_filter(subtitles, settings)
Export filter processing functions passed to
must have this signature. The name process_filter
is a placeholder for
your own function name.
You do not have to worry about undo issues with export filters. You always work on a copy of the subtitle file.
Return value: Nothing.
Signature: get_filter_configuration_panel(subtitles, old_settings)
Export filter configuration panel providers passed to
must have this signature. The name get_filter_configuration_panel
is a
placeholder for your own function name.
Important, execution time: This function is called automatically when the user opens the Export dialogue, and Aegisub blocks until it returns with a configuration panel. Consider that the user might have a very large file open, and that every millisecond spent creating your configuration dialogue is one more millisecond the user has to wait for the Export dialogue to open. Don't block the UI.
Return value: A configuration dialogue table. See the page on configuration dialogues for more information on the format of this table.